Imperial announces a “Giving Back” e-commerce fundraising collaboration with  Youth on Course (YOC). On Tuesday, November 28th, Imperial will donate 20% of all online revenue at to YOC. The proceeds going to YOC will help its members maintain the ability to enjoy golf for $5 or less and will provide access to important programs. “YOC is very appreciative of this Giving Tuesday collaboration with Imperial Headwear,” says Youth on Course Executive Director, Adam Heieck. “It’s great that Imperial is giving back and we are proud to work with them to help provide youth with access to affordable golf.” #GivingTuesday, Nov. 28th, is a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. 2017 marks the sixth year of Giving Tuesday with over $177 million raised online alone.  “I am very excited to collaborate with YOC to help provide for their foundation and its members. Our values align with YOC’s mission of growing the game and access for youth golfers” said David Shaffer, vice president sales & marketing at Imperial Headwear. “Imperial looks forward to doing our part on Giving Tuesday, and giving back to foundations we believe in.”