Date: July 12, 2016
BOURBON, MO – Imperial Headwear announced today the brand has been named Preferred Headwear of the Carolinas PGA. As part of the agreement, Imperial will outfit the Carolinas staff and volunteers in PGA logo headwear this season.
“I am excited to celebrate our respective Centennial Anniversaries by joining forces with the largest PGA Section in the country,” said David Shaffer, Director of Marketing at Imperial Headwear. “The Carolinas PGA is rich in golf history and tradition, which is a great fit for our 100-year old brand and product offering.”
Imperial will be the exclusive headwear of the staff and volunteers at two of the most competitive tournaments of the year:
- 92nd Carolinas Open presented by BB&T, which takes place August 2-4 at Bryan Park Golf Course in Greensboro, NC
- CPGA Professional Championship, which is takes place September 20-22 at The Country Club of Landfall in Wilmington, NC
Both tournaments are events that determine the winner of the 2016 Johnny Palmer Trophy presented by True Temper.
“It’s great to partner with Imperial Headwear,” said Jeff Abbot, Executive Director of the Carolinas PGA. “I’ve had a relationship with Imperial at my prior position with the Tennessee PGA, and now I’m happy to continue working with them here in the Carolinas. My staff loves their hats and is proud to wear Imperial when representing the PGA in our region.”
About Imperial
Founded in 1916, Imperial Headwear is the leading manufacturer and marketer of premium quality headwear and accessories for the golf market. Imperial is committed to style, functionality and perfection in fit and comfort. It is this commitment that has allowed the creation of a wide variety of headwear with quality that is second to none. Renowned for its superior customer service and art customization capabilities, Imperial offers its products using the most innovative digital design, logo and embroidery technologies. For further information please visit imperialsports.com or call (800) 950-1916. Follow Imperial on Twitter and Instagram at @ImperialHats and on Facebook at facebook.com/ImperialInc. Imperial Headwear’s 100th Anniversary video can be viewed at https://imperial1916.com/about-imperial/.
About Carolinas PGA Section
Established in 1923, the Carolinas PGA Section of the Professional Golfers’ Association has grown to be the largest of the PGA’s forty-one sections with over 2,000 professional members. The Carolinas PGA Section embraces North and South Carolina, as well as a small portion of southern Virginia, with more than 800 golf facilities. The Carolinas PGA is dedicated to nurturing and improving the quality of the game for the thousands of golfers using its member facilities. PGA professionals are responsible for conducting a variety of golf-related functions, which include human resource management, golf shop merchandising, golf instruction, tournament operations, junior golf programs, growth of the game initiatives, golf club repair, administering the rules, public relations and much more. For more information, please visit www.carolinas.pga.com. You can also find the Carolinas PGA on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
Imperial Headwear: David Shaffer, Director of Marketing, [email protected]
Carolinas PGA: Liz Muroski, Director of Media and Promotions, [email protected]